Belief In God…

When it comes to a person’s belief (or disbelief) in God, there are four (4) reasons why:

• They choose to believe the books they’ve read.
• They choose to believe in their own logic/reasoning/understanding/experience.
• They choose to believe what others have told them.
• They choose to (or not to) believe Christ’s Promises.

1. They choose to believe the books they’ve read – whether it’s The Bible, The Origin of Species, The Tanakh, The Suttanipata, The God Delusion, The Qu’ran, The God Is Not Great book, The Book of Mormon, The End of Faith book, The New World Translations, or some other writing. In short, each reader places their faith (i.e. their trust) in what was written by another human being.

2. They choose to believe in their own logic/reasoning/understanding/experience. Believers and nonbelievers alike can sometimes place their faith in their own logic, reasoning, understanding and/or experiences. As such, they oftentimes come up with their own thoughts on God. I’ve witnessed people try to blend a bit of Christianity with a smattering of Buddhism and a sprinkling of Taoism. I’ve even seen some who mix Christianity or Judaism with Atheism or Agnosticism.

3. They choose to believe what others have told them. I’ve witnessed believers and nonbelievers say things they’ve heard others say and haven’t thought very deeply about their beliefs. For example, I heard one woman say, “I could only believe in a God of Love, not a God of Judgment.” And then I asked her, “So then, the guy down the street from where you grew up, the one who molested several children in your neighborhood, who died in his forties, should not be judged for what he did? He should just be granted entrance into Heaven and live next door to you for all eternity?” She was quiet and pensive after my comment. Don’t get me wrong, I understand where she’s coming from. But her theology was not very well thought out.

4. They choose to (or not to) believe Christ’s Promises. Let me be clear: Christians aren’t the only ones going to Heaven. Their will be Jews, aborted babies, babies/children who died young, the developmentally disabled, and many others who never knew Christ, in Heaven. However, everyone who had opportunities to learn of and know Christ but yet rejected His offer of salvation, will be given the desires of their heart – a place without Christ, devoid of His protection and provision.

Here is What to Expect

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Semper id dictumst pulvinar dictum molestie senectus curae nam metus purus porttitor et, auctor aenean mauris duis lacinia eu lobortis dignissim magni

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum, sem risus eleifend auctor id eros enim commodo tristique, nascetur aliquam senectus nunc habitasse ante dapibus. Augue urna facilisi libero lectus massa odio, sapien vivamus dui venenatis nulla tincidunt, mattis purus ut morbi et. Commodo orci blandit tincidunt nisl gravida laoreet malesuada id consequat, congue ridiculus et bibendum vitae sed venenatis augue, quisque nulla inceptos ad diam ac nostra molestie.

Libero hendrerit sagittis nostra aenean vestibulum senectus metus cursus velit pharetra at, sem pellentesque dictumst nulla id primis facilisi purus euismod duis eros, cras mauris luctus fusce nisl habitasse ultrices ornare egestas neque. Praesent a malesuada vel libero per ultrices eget interdum est netus, molestie vehicula sociosqu bibendum potenti mattis euismod auctor aliquet scelerisque eros, accumsan laoreet faucibus mus nec class mauris odio tristique. Semper interdum rutrum natoque posuere sodales ac ornare, laoreet egestas nulla felis fermentum rhoncus risus nisi, et dictumst sed libero maecenas tempus. Nulla sodales eleifend sed vestibulum nec nullam iaculis quis faucibus, purus auctor metus elementum lacinia phasellus volutpat fames, maecenas euismod aliquam a velit tortor rhoncus primis.

Nisi enim tellus netus viverra mus nulla nostra proin inceptos montes turpis, hendrerit faucibus imperdiet blandit nibh vehicula ut scelerisque est augue velit magnis, auctor lacus litora pretium pulvinar pellentesque natoque vulputate morbi eleifend. Quam ornare aliquam luctus orci potenti eros fermentum molestie curabitur justo etiam neque tempor cursus mauris, duis in vehicula ac mollis turpis elementum iaculis porta volutpat urna faucibus auctor. Accumsan facilisi nam magna eu mattis, praesent porttitor rhoncus. Fringilla nisi per commodo congue sed cubilia felis luctus fames, hendrerit gravida nunc facilisi curabitur nec elementum nostra, iaculis tellus litora etiam diam sollicitudin ligula pulvinar. Aenean erat donec hendrerit ullamcorper vel magnis netus primis ut, ad laoreet mauris praesent vestibulum facilisis feugiat dis fringilla volutpat, pulvinar hac cursus senectus ornare mollis purus facilisi. Gravida conubia urna sollicitudin semper nostra lectus nibh sodales, tortor purus dis suscipit tellus porttitor. Interdum mi lectus varius risus duis torquent tempor, magna vel commodo diam vitae gravida hendrerit morbi, ligula dictumst luctus facilisis laoreet urna. Tristique sociosqu vestibulum phasellus facilisi felis sodales auctor vel bibendum congue massa, ultrices ligula litora senectus imperdiet pretium nam mi faucibus mattis. Interdum lacinia nulla accumsan vitae ultrices duis suspendisse, mattis litora risus sociosqu at cum integer arcu, morbi magna pulvinar facilisis scelerisque lacus.

Pellentesque eget porta nam hendrerit cubilia ante blandit neque himenaeos inceptos, mollis ullamcorpe