Why am I a Christian, and not a Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic or other religionist?

With over 4,000 religions worldwide, why would I choose to call myself “a Christian”? I mean, after all, doesn’t Christianity have a bad history of treating people poorly? Aren’t Christians just a bunch of hypocrites? Why not become a Buddhist, a Muslim, an Agnostic, an Atheist, or some other religionist? Here’s why:

Earlier in my life, I was in search of answers to, what I felt were, the two important questions in all of life. Here they are:

1. Does God exist?
2. If so, does He care for me?

I mean, if there is no God, then all we have is just this life. And while it might be beneficial in some way to live a decent, moral life for the benefit of others, the question then arises, “Is that all there is?”

So, without going into all of the details of every event, here were the answers I received (I’ll go into the details in subsequent articles):

• Christ (not the religion of Christianity) entered my life in a dramatic and memorable fashion.

• Christ changed my heart from within – without any sermons, Bible studies, or guilt trips!

• Christ allowed me to experience six (6) miracles in my first two years of trying to live life as a Christian.

• Christ answered several prayers during those formative years – prayers no one else knew about!


While sitting in an aisle seat on a plane, a woman in the window seat saw me reading my Bible. She came over and asked, “Are you a Christian?” I replied, “Yes, I am.” She took the next several minutes to tell me how corrupt my Bible had become and how pure her version was. I listened intently.

When she finished, she tried hard to close the deal and asked, “What do you think of what I’ve told you?” I replied, “I believe you are VERY sincere. But, I have a question for you…” I told her about a few of the miracles I had experienced. I told her about a few of the answered prayers I had received. And then I asked her the following question:

“If my Bible is corrupt, and I experienced all of these wonderful things from God, why should I consider joining your religion?”

She responded with silence…..for several seconds! Then, her final words were, “Well, good for you.” Then she went back to her seat and continued reading her magazine.

So, because I had had my questions answered, and because of what He had done for me, I chose to begin a daily relationship with my Creator – one that was independent of church attendance!

What did He do for me you ask? Consider the following:

1. He physically opened a locked door for me – a door that I had checked three times before and then prayed over.
2. He healed me of an incurable disease.
3. He answered a prayer for food while I was praying for it in my living room.
4. He humbled me in a way I had never considered!

See, for me, Christianity is PRIMARILY about a daily relationship with Jesus Christ, and secondarily, it’s about “The religion.” For those who have never met Him, all they can point to is the religion of Christianity (i.e. its rules, regulations, procedures, protocols, doctrines, and deeds) or Its failed practitioners. For those who have met Him, it’s about the daily relationship as well as the peace and rest He gives to those who seek Him with their whole heart! 

In parts two and three of this series, I’ll write more about the miracles I experienced.

Thank you for your time and attention!

If you have questions or comments, write to me at ro*@my***************.com and let’s talk ☺️

In His Name,


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